Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Amazing Adventures...

            The book that we have to read for English 102 is an interesting story so far. The title of the book is The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay. I know this book is fictional, but it is sad to think that people had to use different ways to escape Europe to come to America. Joe had all of his paperwork ready to go, but that day, the government made it where he needed one more specific thing. So, he had to find a new way to get to America. He had to travel in a coffin. You know that it was killing Joe to leave his family behind, but he had to leave. When he gets to America, his cousin Sammy gets a great idea of how to get a great job for both of them. He decided to try and get them jobs as cartoon artists. I love that Sammy and Joe are artists. They are trying to pursue a job in a field that they are passionate about. They want to make a superhero that will be better than Superman. Hopefully the story will stay interesting to the very end.


  1. I am glad you decided to post about this because I haven't started reading it yet. I just couldn't get myself to start reading it because I had no idea what it was about. Nothing about it caught my attention, but after your post, I am actually kind of anxious to get started!

  2. It is a little hard to get into it at first, but it gets easier as you go.
